Open the brackets, using proper Past tenses
1.    After I (to be) introduced to Captain Meadows, I (to ask) him if he ever (to be) married.
2.    Antonia (to stand) smiling in the doorway. She (to know) that they just (to talk) of her.
3.    They (not to go) far when the girl suddenly (to cry): “Why we are in the garden!” Without knowing how, they (to enter) a large garden.
4.    Early morning, when we just (to leave) the house we (to meet) the man that we (to look) for since Monday.
5.    But still he (to sit) there motionless. He (to be) tired, he (to be) very tired. It (to seem) to him that he (to be) tired for a very long time.
6.    I (to find) that I (to be) too late to catch the London train. Hailing the first taxi that (to pass), I (to reach) the station at ten minutes to three, only two minutes after the train (to leave) it.
7.    Sir George, who (to talk) in a loud voice, (to turn) round sharply.
8.    Mrs. Meadows (to tell) me that he (to talk) about all the things that (to happen) to him in his long life.
9.    It (to be)four o’clock when she (to hear) the sound she (to wait)for over an hour: the door at the bottom of the stairs (to creak).
10.    It (to be) all so sudden that for a moment no one (to know) what (to happen).
11.    She (to say) to herself all the way up from Oxford that she must have somebody to talk it over.
12.    When I (to come) to see him the next day, I (to learn) that he (to die) in his sleep.
13.    Tony (not to know) that the man they (to talk) about (to be) Michael’s friend.
14.    The Moon (to rise) now and the lake (to be) fully visible.
спросил 16 Фев, 19 от Катя в категории школьный раздел

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